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Controlled Environment Agriculture Market Characterization Report: Supply Chains, Energy Sources and Uses, and Barriers to Efficiency

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Controlled Environment Agriculture Market Characterization Report Supply Chains, Energy Sources and Uses, and Barriers to Efficiency

Prepared in partnership with: The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy in support of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Conservation Innovation Grant funded project, Data-Driven Market Transformation for Controlled Environment Agriculture



Market Characterization Report:


The research objectives for this market characterization report were the following:


  1. Describe the supply chain, key market actors, barriers to energy efficiency, and the best leverage points for market interventions;
  2. Describe the energy used by producers (including on-site renewable energy, microgrids, and back-up generation);
  3. Describe the energy and non-energy benefits realized through implementation of efficiency project
  4. Identify key market baselines to be used in evaluating the impact of the market transformation initiative over time.

